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Advanced Imago Relationship Therapist, EMDR Certified Trauma Therapist, Accelerated Resolution Therapist, Encounter-centered Couples Therapist, HeartMath Certified Clinician & Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional
Nancy Hyatt, LCSW-C
Providing Transformational Psychotherapy
"I help individuals and couples release old emotional blocks that get in the way of their highest personal and relational potential."

I was honored to interview Hedy Schleifer about Encounter-centered Couples Therapy (EcCT). I completed her three year Master Class in EcCT in April, 2014.
Social anthropologist and researcher, Dr. Helen Fischer, shares fascinating results about her research on the brains of people in love.
Bruce Ecker dicusses what creates transformational therapy.
This fascinating video looks at our essential human need to feel connected and the neurobiological distress that we experience when we lose connection.
Watch Hedy Schleifer's important and touching TED Talk and learn about the three invisible connectors: the space, the bridge and the encounter.
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