Advanced Imago Relationship Therapist, EMDR Certified Trauma Therapist, Accelerated Resolution Therapist, Encounter-centered Couples Therapist, HeartMath Certified Clinician & Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional
Nancy Hyatt, LCSW-C
Providing Transformational Psychotherapy
"I help individuals and couples release old emotional blocks that get in the way of their highest personal and relational potential."

"I want to thank you for guiding J and I through the dense woods and finally back to each other. I can't even tell you what it has given us. There is a lot of touching, dancing, understanding, support and other things that are equally as important. J has begun opening up to the boys and showing them what it looks like to love their mom (they are a little jealous btw 😉). We are in love again. And I want to say that we have never been this connected - even in the beginning.
So, thank you. I needed this so badly. It has helped with my depression and I feel so safe. You are a miracle worker!"
S.M. 3/2018
"Nancy Hyatt is one of the most exceptional therapists I know. Her extensive knowledge of Imago Therapy along with her skills as an EMDR therapist give her a unique combination of strengths to help couples work through trauma, conflict and life issues. I would recommend her to anyone looking to improve their relationship.”
Tammy Nelson, PhD. Psychotherapist and author of “The New Monogamy” and "Getting the Sex You Want."
"Nancy is Hyatt is an amazing therapist. Her compassion, empathy, optimism, and love of what she does is infectious and gives hope to the hopeless." M.S.
"Married 27 years....My husband and I were on a mission to heal!
We dove into many things over the years which improved our lives in so many ways.... among them; talk therapy, meditation, Reconnective Healing. We even changed our names. But intimacy was still a missing link.
We googled "Relationship Intimacy" which lead us to Nancy and we booked an intensive ASAP! This Intensive opened a new door to a world that welcomed kindness, compassion, gratitude, and respect instead of fear, blame, anger and resentment. We are now able to come from a place of peace in all that we do. Take the dive and hold nothing back. Just step back and watch your spouse bloom into the beautiful being that they have always been.
Nancy created a space that allowed this to unfold! She is gentle, compassionate and nurturing! Wishing you peace beyond all understanding!"
"Nancy is fantastic! My wife and I have very different ways of articulating our needs. Nancy helped us communicate vastly more effectively - at first with her guidance and, later, on our own, utilizing the tools she helped us develop. My wife and I have always been in love, but Nancy helped us articulate that love in a way we could each receive. We could not recommend a marriage therapist more highly."
“Nancy Hyatt has a very special gift. She is able to clear tension and anxiety and often anger from a room and create a warm, safe space for honest, open communication. I always left my sessions feeling that my partner really heard me and that I heard him as well. The sessions were not always easy but there was always progress. The added bonus is that the skills I learned from her ...have also taught me how to be a better parent, better friend and better person.” D.G.
“The world of Imago is a very special place but it takes a great teacher to bring the ‘essence’ out of the words and ‘meaning’ to abstract concepts in order to make them part of a person’s everyday being. Nancy helped do that for me. She’s a wonderful caring person, a great teacher and I am blessed that she’s been in my life.”